Sanford Bail Bond – Hollywood Legal Battle Erupts Over Facial Animation Technology

Source    :  New York Times
By            :  NICK WINGFIELD
Category : Sanford Bail Bond , Bail Bond Sanford

Hollywood Legal Battle Erupts Over Facial Animation Technology

Hollywood Legal Battle Erupts Over Facial Animation Technology

A technology used to animate the faces of digital superheroes in “Deadpool” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron” is at the center of a legal battle that may cause some super headaches in Hollywood. The spat is over who owns a novel method of electronically capturing the performances of human actors, including every smile and twitch of their facial muscles, and using the data to bring computer-generated characters to life on the screen. The technology, called Mova, won a technical Academy Award for a group of developers last year. This month, Rearden, the technology incubator in San Francisco that developed Mova, countersued a Chinese company that has claimed ownership of the technology. Rearden, founded by the Silicon Valley serial entrepreneur Steve Perlman, is claiming a string of patent and copyright violations.

It has asked a judge to award it financial damages and block the distribution of movies and other entertainment that it claims have been made by infringing on Mova patents and trademarks. Travis W. Thomas, an intellectual-property lawyer at Baker Botts, said it was conceivable that a court could eventually block the distribution of the movies, but added that it was a “long shot” for Rearden. Rearden’s suit follows one from the Chinese company that has claimed ownership of Mova, Shenzhenshi Haitiecheng Science and Technology Company. Shenzhenshi, which is affiliated with the well-known Hollywood visual effects company Digital Domain, sued Rearden last February as both parties began to tangle over who owned the technology. It is now commonplace for movie and game makers to animate characters through motion capture, which typically involves placing markers all over the bodies of actors so cameras and software can record their movements. Nearly a decade ago, Mr. Perlman introduced Mova, which was designed to more faithfully capture the subtleties of facial expressions.

Mova did this by dusting the faces of actors with phosphorescent makeup and using customized hardware and software to capture the performances and convert them into data. Mova was used to help Brad Pitt’s character in “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” appear to age in reverse, and was a part of the effects in “Gravity,” “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2” and many others. The strange story of how Mova’s ownership came to be contested resembles the twists and turns of a movie plot. Mr. Perlman founded and controlled the online game start-up OnLive, which he merged with Mova. But as the start-up struggled, he left in 2012. According to the countersuit against Shenzhenshi that Rearden filed this month, OnLive decided to sell Mova’s assets later that year, and Mr. Perlman decided to acquire them from OnLive’s controlling investor.

He tasked a Rearden employee who worked on Mova motion capture projects, Greg LaSalle, with managing the process. But Mr. LaSalle negotiated to sell Mova’s assets improperly to Digital Domain, Mr. Perlman said in the suit, which was filed in United States District Court in San Francisco. Shenzhenshi said in its lawsuit last year that it, in fact, acquired Mova in May 2013 and that it bought the technology legitimately from Mr. LaSalle for an undisclosed amount. The Chinese company said Mr. Perlman had previously been unable to make a successful business out of Mova and that he encouraged Mr. LaSalle to try to salvage it on his own. Mr. Perlman’s later desire to regain control of Mova stemmed from “a severe bout of ‘seller’s remorse’ ” after widespread publicity about the Academy Award related to the technology, Shenzhenshi said in its suit. Shenzhenshi is “closely related” to Digital Domain and its Hong Kong-based parent company, Digital Domain Holdings, Rearden said in its countersuit.

Lawyers for Shenzhenshi did not respond to repeated requests for comment. Mr. LaSalle now works for Digital Domain, where he is listed as director of visual development. A spokesman for Digital Domain did not respond to requests for comment, and Mr. LaSalle could not be reached. In recent interviews about “Deadpool,” one of the year’s biggest hits, Mr. LaSalle has said he personally performed the facial expressions that animated the metallic superhero Colossus in the movie. Mr. Perlman — who sold the set-top box start-up WebTV to Microsoft in the 1990s for more than $500 million and now runs a wireless start-up — declined to comment about the litigation. A news release that Rearden planned to release on Wednesday about its countersuit identified movies with billions of dollars in collective box-office receipts that it said did not have a legitimate license to use Mova’s technology, including “Deadpool,” “Terminator Genisys” and “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Alex V. Chachkes, an intellectual-property lawyer at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, said he saw little chance that Rearden could prevent big movies that were created using Mova from being distributed, in part because courts tend to shy away from blocking the release of movies out of concerns about the First Amendment. It is more likely that Rearden could disrupt movie projects that Digital Domain is working on if a court ultimately sides with it, he said. “There’s roughly zero chance they could do anything to slow down the ‘Deadpool’ juggernaut,” Mr. Chachkes said.

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Bail Bondsman in Sanford | Appeals Court Vacates Kyle Ruling on Bail Bond Rules

Source : memphis daily news
By : Bill Dries
Category : Bail Bondsman in SanfordSeminole County Bail Bonds

Bail Bondsman In SanfordShelby County Chancery Court has no jurisdiction over the rules that Criminal Court judges make for bail bond companies.
The Tennessee Court of Appeals has ruled that Chancery Court cannot act on rules set by Criminal Court judges for bail bond companies.

That’s what the Tennessee Court of Appeals has ruled in a case that reversed a March decision by Chancellor Jim Kyle, which barred Criminal Court judges from enforcing a drug-testing requirement in its recently updated rules for bail bond companies.

The Nov. 25 appeals court ruling also sends the case back to Kyle for him to dismiss the complaint made by Memphis Bonding Company Inc.

The company filed the Chancery Court lawsuit in February just before the March 1 effective date of the new rules for bail bond companies. The company argued the rules were unconstitutional and “arbitrary, capricious and without basis of right or legal authority.”

Kyle granted the temporary injunction, delaying implementation of the rules. He later narrowed it to bar the drug-testing requirement only.

The Tennessee Attorney General’s office represented the 10 Criminal Court judges in the action and argued Kyle’s ruling was trying to “hinder a sister court in the conduct of its business as it relates to the regulation of persons who write bail bonds in that court.”

The state also argued it was inappropriate for a chancellor to “review an action of a sister court that has exclusive jurisdiction over criminal matters.”

Kyle later wrote, “This Chancery Court is authorized to rule upon the constitutionality of administrative rules and regulations, not criminal or penal in nature, even though the proposed enactment of the rules are by judges of a criminal court.”

The appeals court, in a ruling written by Judge Brandon O. Gibson, disagreed, citing state law and several rulings by the Tennessee Supreme Court on the issue.

“In other words, local trial courts are empowered to enact and enforce local rules as long as those rules do not conflict with general law,” he added. “According to our Supreme Court, it is ‘clearly implicit’ in the aforementioned statutes that ‘no court other than the Supreme Court can make rules governing the procedure in other courts.’”

The appeals court also concluded that letting Chancery Court act on how Criminal Courts are administered would “cause confusion and disrupt the orderly administration of the judicial system. In effect the Chancery Court would be invading the jurisdiction of the criminal court.”

Gibson said Memphis Bonding can contest the rules in criminal court and could include a motion to recuse all 10 judges from hearing the case.

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